
Data Engineer

About Me

In the time I spent in the barracks, in parallel with the military activities, I worked with Linux, database and user support.

I managed servers and at the time I created a remastered version of Linux, to meet the user's needs and make the system more user-friendly, in addition to configuring and managing Servers Debian with RAID. Wore Nagios and Zabbix for network and service monitoring and set up automated backup routines using Shell Script.

Recently I worked with Database Administration, ETL and I did some one-off projects using Power BI.

In 2020 I graduated from Internet Systems at the Federal Institute of Brasília (IFB), where I was able to have contact with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Spring Boot, VueJS and NodeJs and I'm currently completing a post-graduate degree in Data Engineering and Architecture at XP Education (XPe-IGTI), where I'm learning about data extraction, data pipeline, distributed computing, data streaming, cloud computing and having contact mainly with Python, Spark, Kafka, Pentaho and Apache Airflow.

Already released from the daily routine of the army, I try to put myself back in the job market, to focus 100% on the IT area, being able to work in positions of Data Engineer, Linux System Administrator, Web Developer and DBA.

CURRENT SKILLS: Data Engineer | Developer | Linux System Administrator | DBA Administrator



Natural or Fake Natty? How to Win in the Age of Generative AIs

2024 - DIO CHALLENGE - Natural or Fake Natty? How to Win in the Age of Generative AIs

Description: Create insights into AI's vision of the future of Generative AI. Technologies used: ChatGPT for text, for art and Vscode for editing Creation process: I thought of something curious and perhaps controversial, so I used the free version of ChatGPT and confronted the AI about its own perspective on its future.

Link para o projeto no GitHub
Technology and Marketing

2022 - Technology and Marketing Blog

Technology blog using WordPress, which is a free and open sourc content management system (CMS) written in PHP, and for the database MariaDB was used, which is a free database based on MySQL.

Affiliate Marketing

2022 - Affiliate Marketing

Installation and Configuration of your own infrastructure for affiliates developed with WordPress.

Stocks Monitor System

2021 - Stocks Monitor

A Data Science project that used the Python programming language to develop a financial monitoring system. This system searches for real-time stock quotes from various countries around the world. The dashboard was created using Streamlit, an open-source Python library that makes it easy to create and share custom web applications for machine learning and data science.

Link para o projeto no GitHub
Condominium Management System

2020 - Condominium Manager

The Condominium Administration System was developed using the following technologies: Vue.js, Node.js, Postgres, and MongoDB.

Link para o projeto no GitHub


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